Sunday, October 17, 2010

Snippit outta me

I figured it would happen at some point. I had a circumspect mammogram. I had gone in on a Saturday for an appointment, then called back for a follow up. I had had a follow up once before - kind of cool actually - I got a sonogram on my boob (saw my heart beat and everything) and they declared me fit. This time, after the second Mammogram, I was called into the Dr's office (not a good sign).
we found something suspect. little calcifications forming a small constellation, heading towards your lymph nodes
we might not normally bother with this, except they are aligned and heading towards a lymph node
sounds like The Borg. (that's me with the humor) now what?
We'd like to schedule you for a biopsy.
.......... insert daze here.

I'm fairly certain that cancer, though in my genes, is not in my future. I just don't believe I'm going out this way. I truly believe I'm going to just pass away of old age. Or on the toilet - from something adventurous I ate, but not of cancer. I don't believe it's in the cards.

So Wednesday, I left work a little early, having told just a handful of co-workers, and went to the Carol Ann Read Breast Health Center at Summit. It's a beautiful facility. If they could bring in a manicurist, it would be really fabulous. The valet parking is a very nice touch.

When the Dr came in I was light and breezy, but once they had me strapped down and in, my mood changed - maybe there really was something to be concerned about. I flinched as the local went in, burning through my tissue, and then the procedure began... and then it was over. I left a bit bloodies, bruised and with some type of boob tracking device left in as a marker (or for "them" to find me when they come for me).

I felt a bit tender and worried. It had a become real. So now, here it is Sunday, and I'm still waiting for the results. Fingers crossed.

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